Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Clinton victories put Obama on the ropes

In a bout dubbed “Super Tuesday II” Senator Hillary Clinton got off the canvas and forced her opponent, Illinois Senator Barack Obama into the corner with a flurry of primary election victories. Tuesday’s early results gave Obama a victory in the Vermont primary before Mrs. Clinton stormed back with big victories in Rhode Island and Ohio and then pulling out a narrow win in bitterly contested Texas duel.

Obama got off the ropes with a late surge in the Texas caucus, but by then the damage was done. While some pundits thought Super II would be Hillary’s last stand Obama needs to tear a page from the book of rap super group Public Enemy and fight the power.

In the days leading up to Super II the Clinton machine worked overtime. Mrs. Clinton made some clever national television appearances on the Daily Show and Saturday Night Live. Both were opportunities that helped to buff her image without having to answer hard questions. Her team was also successful in getting the national media to focus more on Obama stumbles on the issues of National security and NAFTA. Obama was also caught in the crossfire of the opening phase of a criminal trial of a huge campaign donor and friend back in his home state.

The capper to Obama’s lost weekend was a story that ran on CBS juggernaut 60 Minutes in which Senator Clinton refused to reject and denounce the notion that her opponent is secretly a Muslim. Her tepid response to CBS’ Steve Croft’s inquiry was something like, “if he says so… I take him at his word.” This bit was followed by an interview with a perspiring Ohioan telling Croft that Obama was a Muslim. While Croft told the man that Obama was indeed a Christian, it’s clear the Clinton campaign of misinformation was working.

The lesson for Barack Obama is clear; the politics of fear are in full effect. And never, ever underestimate how low the Clinton’s will go to win an election.
Am I Right? What do you think?

By Am I Right? Producer Tony Mottley

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